Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stumped | First Environment Painting

Phew. Calling this done. I know I can and will do much better, but finally getting this 'done' feels nice. This is a concept art painting of my environment for my short film, "Stumped". Spent way too much time on this, and I'm still not really happy it the results, but I learned a lot and hopefully will be able to paint even better environments in due time. I suggest clicking on the image for a full view!


  1. I would try and establish a clear distinction between fore - middle and background to create more depth

    Possible Gradient overlay on the trees to show they are int he distance and maybe the fore ground do a colour overlay and then Blur it to fore the focal point into the centre where the Character is

    1. Hey thanks for the suggestions! Hopefully on some of my newer paintings you can see an improvement with that kind of stuff. I'm still a beginner when it comes to digital painting though, ha.
