Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Columbian Hotdog Stand

This is a drawing I did of a hotdog stand from the game, Bioshock Infinite. The game takes place during 1912 in a floating city. I absolutely love the environment design, so I went ahead and drew a Columbian hotdog stand. I tried using those watercolor pencils again, but this time I really hated how they turned out. They were honestly a real pain to use. I don't like the  colors of this at all, except the top portion looks alright. The red of the cart is way too saturated. Another thing I learned in retrospect is that watercolors don't play nice with thin paper. The paper became really wavy and wrinkled. Oh well. Think I'll go have some popcorn and root beer.

1 comment:

  1. Another thing I learned in retrospect is that watercolors don't play nice with thin paper. The paper became really wavy and wrinkled. Oh well. Think I'll go have some popcorn and root beer.Lej en pølsevogn
